
Yak is specially adapted to high-altitude environments and is a flagship species for the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. It plays a key role not only in agrobiodiversity conservation and maintaining high-altitude rangeland ecosystems, but also in cultural traditions and livelihood strategies. But yak are coming under increasing pressure with closed borders and restrictions on grazing and movement, and yak herders are facing immense livelihood challenges.

This volume aims to enhance our understanding of yak in the region by bringing together 14 articles from Afghanistan, Bhutan, China, India, Nepal, and Pakistan covering a wide range of subjects related to yak raising in the Hindu Kush Himalayas. It provides valuable insights that will help in developing plans for yak genetic conservation, pastoral development, and management measures to enhance system resilience and the adaptive capacity of local communities to ongoing and potential changes.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: 国际山区综合发展中心 
Topic: 气候变化, 环境服务, 土著人民, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 中亚地区, 南亚

This catalogue of land use options in Tajikistan is designed for facilitators and community mobilizers to be used in community workshops and at other occasions. The presented land use practices are adapted to the prevailing soil and climate conditions, land use systems and related problems of Tajikistan. The catalogue is also available in Tajik

Year of publication: 2016
Topic: 土地
Language: English, тоҷикӣ / تاجیکی
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 中亚地区

An extremely dynamic environment compounded by frequent and severe shocks, especially droughts, limit the livelihood opportunities available to millions of households in the fragile drylands of Africa. If the current situation is precarious, the future promises to be even more challenging. This book discusses what should be the focus of the next generation of interventions aimed at enhancing the resilience of vulnerable dryland populations in the face of demographic, economic, environmental, and climatic change.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: 世界银行 
Topic: 经济, 环境服务, 食品安全, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 西部非洲, 东部非洲

This study regards two herding/conservation systems (salt steppes and wood-pastures), and developed an inventory on the common/similar and conflicting/different objectives and pasture management practices of herders and conservationists. Extensive land-use often survives in protected areas only, in the form of conservation management. The study suggests a new profession: that of the conservation herder. The conservation herder shall be an individual knowledgeable about herding and pasture management, and trained in conservation and ecology. 

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: 个人作者 
Topic: 经济, 环境服务
Language: English
Type of document: 科学
Geographical coverage: 欧洲

This research report and policy brief aims to provide insight into the institutions and local dynamics involved in natural resource management in border communities, and to provide solution-oriented recommendations to address natural resource management challenges.

Year of publication: 2016
Topic: 冲突, 土地
Language: English, Русский
Type of document: 技术, 政策和立法
Geographical coverage: 中亚地区

Le bulletin de veille d’Inter-réseaux est une compilation de la veille sur les actualités du développement rural en Afrique. Il constitue une sélection de références d’actualité jugées intéressantes par Inter-réseaux. Il est publié deux fois par mois et envoyé à plus de 10 000 abonnés

Year of publication: 2016
Topic: 环境服务, 食品安全, 社会服务
Language: English, Français
Type of document: 时事通讯
Geographical coverage: 北非, 西部非洲, 中部非洲

Pastoralists move their livestock with the seasons, in search of good pasture across the drylands. Recent droughts in Africa are making decision makers question the viability of pastoralism, particularly in the face of future climate variability and change. But their fears are founded on misconceptions.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: 国际环境与发展研究所 
Topic: 冲突, 食品安全
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球

The Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP) enables smallholder farmers and pastoralists to assess their own climate resilience. Developed by FAO in collaboration with external partners, it also provides key data to help scientists and policy-makers in their efforts to reduce the risks associated with climate change.

Year of publication: 2016
Organization: 联合国粮食及农业组织 
Topic: 气候变化, 复原力
Language: English
Type of document: 技术
Geographical coverage: 全球