FAO releases new database

The Pastoralist Knowledge Hub is happy to announce the release of a new Database of Organizations, which contains profiles of organizations working with pastoralists. The database can be accessed here.
Compiled with the help of Vétérinaires Sans Frontières International, the database contains details of over 230 civil society organizations, research institutions, private sector firms, multilateral organizations, and government agencies. It provides the organization’s profile, areas of work, reach and contact details. It can be searched across country, region, type and areas of work of the organizations.
“The database is a global encyclopaedia of all those involved in advocating pastoralism as a livelihood system. I commend it fully to all stakeholders including the media, academia and policy makers,” says Benjamin Mutambukah, chair of the Eastern and Southern African Pastoralist Network.
As a coordinating mechanism, the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub connects different stakeholders working towards sustainable pastoralism. The Database of Organizations is another such initiative through which it showcases the breadth of work carried out by organizations working with pastoralists, and hopes to facilitate connections between different stakeholders.
Reflecting these thoughts, Margherita Gomarsca, coordinator of Vétérinaires Sans Frontière International says, “We hope that this database can be useful to establish and foster collaborations between organizations working in support of pastoralist communities across the world. The challenge now is to keep the database updated and alive, and to expand it to countries not still covered where pastoralism plays a significant role. This will be possible only with the active involvement of all users.”
The information presented in the database was mostly collected during regional meetings of pastoralist organizations and through pastoralist networks between 2015 and 2017. The Hub will endeavour to make the database as comprehensive and updated as possible.
To add or edit information regarding an organization, please contact: [email protected]