
Camelid Series | VSF Suisse, supporting the Anolei women’s camel milk cooperative in Isiolo, Kenya.

20/02/2024 -

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and malnutrition are pressing global challenges, but many unsung heroes are working tirelessly to address these issues in their communities. Their stories are often unheard of, but their impact is real. 

In celebration of the International Year of Camelids 2024, this video is part of a collaboration with camelid-keeping communities from around the world. Local heroes from these communities have created their own video stories about how they are fighting climate change, biodiversity loss, and malnutrition. 

In this video, Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Suisse (VSF-Suisse) presents their technical support to the Anolei women's camel milk cooperative in Isiolo County. Dromedary camel rearing represented a climate smart farming option to enhance food security and nutrition of communities inhabiting arid and semiarid lands. The drought tolerance of these livestock has improved peoples’ resilience in the face of climate change shocks.

Click the link or image to view the video - VSF Suisse, supporting the Anolei women’s camel milk cooperative in Isiolo, Kenya.