Centro de conocimiento pastoril


Below-average rains forecast for Somalia could lead to devastating cattle losses and intensify malnutrition in the Horn of Africa nation, the United Nations food security agency has warned.
The grim scenario follows massive livestock deaths due to drought – up to 60 per cent of herds in some areas – that have severely damaged pastoralists’ livelihoods. “Somalia is traditionally an agro-pastoral economy [and] livestock losses have severely affected its economy...
Necesario apoyo urgente para ayudar a los grupos pastoriles, con previsiones de lluvias inferiores a la media de abril a junio
21 de marzo de 2018, Roma – En Somalia, la mortandad masiva del ganado provocada por la sequía –hasta un 60 por ciento de los rebaños en algunas zonas- ha dañado seriamente los medios de vida de las comunidades pastoriles. La...
Mongolian pastoralists gather to initiate community-driven data collection
Pastoralists constitute a third of Mongolia’s population, and their distinct way of life is considered an important national heritage. The “Pastoralist-Driven Data Management System” project, implemented by the Pastoralist Knowledge Hub, seeks to safeguard this livelihood and lifestyle in the...
Highlights from a FAO facilitated parallel session at the Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2018
According to the World Organization for Animal Health, nearly 75% of all infectious diseases are zoonotic, that is, spread between animals and humans. Pastoralists fully depend on their animals for their livelihood and income and are at the forefront of the...
FAO facilitated knowledge-sharing workshop on pastoral land tenure reveals similar challenges across eastern and southern Africa
Pastoralism is the dominant livelihood in the arid and semi-arid lands of eastern and southern Africa, contributing significantly not only to national GDPs, but also to food security and environmental restoration in the region. Yet, pastoralists face several challenges, especially...