Centro de conocimiento pastoril

National Federation of Pasture User Groups

Acronym: NFPUG
Region: Asia
Country: Mongolia
Address: Chingeltei District, 16 Khoroo, Building 58, Room 143, Ulaanbaatar
Phone number: +976-98113747
Email address: [email protected]

Organization profile

Type of Organization: National/local civil society organization
Focus on Pastoralism: Exclusively working on pastoralism
Membership based:
Number of members: 80
Year of establish: 2015
Objective: • Improve the management of herders' organizations • Develop a coalition of herders' organizations • Extend the scope of herders' organizations and enhance economic capacity • Improve foreign and external relations, and encourage cooperation between herders' organizations • Support and extend partnership between Government and herders' organizations

Areas of work

Land rights
Women empowerment
Organizational development
Policy integration and implementation

Secondary informations

Number of pastoralists covered: 6000
Location of interventions: Arkhangai, Bayan-Ölgii, Bayankhongor, Bulgan, Darkhan-Uul, Dornod, Dornogovi, Dundgovi, Govi-Altai, Govisümber, Khentii, Khovd, Khövsgöl,Ömnögovi, Orkhon, Övörkhangai, Selenge, Sükhbaatar, Töv, Uvs, Zavkhan
Networks / partners: Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, FAO, Boroo Gold, Oyu Tolgoi, Bayan Airag, Mongolian Wool and Cashmere Association, Mongolian Leather Association

First contact person

First name: Nyam-ochir
Family name: Ganhuyag
Position: Executive director
Phone number: +976 99060647; +976 99069116

Second contact person

First name: Namuulan
Family name: Gankhuyag
Position: Training coordinator
Phone number: +976-99239260
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