FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) Seminar Series - Towards sustainable management of obsolete stocks and pesticide packaging through multi-stakeholder cooperation

| 13:00 –15:00 CET
The recording of the seminar is now available here
The FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) is pleased to invite you to the third NSP seminar: Towards sustainable management of obsolete stocks and pesticide packaging through multi-stakeholder cooperation, which will be held in virtual modality via Zoom on 18 November 2021, at 13:00 –15:00 CEST.
The overall objectives of the NSP seminar series are: i) raising awareness of the contribution of plant production and protection to achieving the United Nations SDGs at global, regional and national levels; ii) sharing information and knowledge on the strategic direction and technical development in sustainable plant production and protection; and iii) promoting cross-cutting dialogue and collaboration in plant production and protection worldwide.
The sustainable management of obsolete stocks and empty pesticide containers is crucial to achieve more efficient, inclusive, resilient and sustainable agri-food systems. It is estimated that 330 000 tons of plastic pesticide containers are produced annually. This can generate chemical contaminated plastic waste problems and present risks to human health and the environment. Stocks of obsolete and hazardous pesticides and empty pesticide containers, often poorly stored, can result in toxic chemical leaks into the environment and contaminate water and soil.
It is now commonly recognized that solving the persistent and complex problems facing the agricultural sector in the area of chemicals waste is beyond the reach of a single actor. Such profound changes require the involvement of a variety of stakeholders, in particular the private sector, in processes of change. Developing multi-stakeholder strategies to address the effective management of waste in agricultural systems is an important priority for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), national governments and the private sector.
This seminar will highlight the importance of multi-stakeholder approaches to waste management, with a focus on container management and obsolete pesticide stocks programmes, in view of facilitating dialogue and engagement of relevant stakeholders.
This NSP Seminar particularly aims to:
• Learn from national governments on the successful implementation of multi-stakeholder approaches to pesticide and associated waste in agriculture.
• Understand the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders in obsolete stock and container management programs and how this is incorporated into national action plans.
• Increase stakeholder knowledge of the best practices in obsolete stock and container management and new innovative solutions.
13:00-13:05 ꓲ Opening remarks by Beth Bechdol, FAO Deputy Director-General
13:05–13:20 ꓲ New FAO strategy for partnerships with the private sector by Alexander Jones, Director, FAO Resource Mobilization and Private Sector Partnerships Division
13:20 –13:30 ꓲ Industry as a partner for driving sustainable development by Giulia Di Tommaso, President and CEO, CropLife International
13:30 –13:40 ꓲ FAO program on chemicals waste in agriculture: achievements and challenges by Baogen Gu, Senior Agricultural Officer, FAO Plant Production and Protection Division
13:40 –14:20 ꓲ Panel discussion: National government views on waste management programs in agriculture, with a focus on pesticide container management and obsolete stocks
- Luis Eduardo Rangel, Federal Agricultural Inspector, Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply, Brazil
- Zhang Shuai, Senior agronomist, Deputy Director of Pesticide and Sprayer Application, National Agro-Tech Extension and Service Center (NATESC), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
- Mostafa Abdel-Sattar, Deputy Secretary, Agricultural Pesticide Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Egypt
14:20 –14:30 ꓲ Adivalor - example of a successful joint initiative in France by Pierre de Lepinau, Director General, Adivalor
14:30 –14:40 ꓲ Cereal Growers Association from Kenya - farmers’ view on pesticide container management and obsolete stocks in agriculture by Anthony Kioko, CEO, Cereal Growers Association
14:40 –14:55 ꓲ Q&A session
14:55 –15:00 ꓲ Closing remarks by Jingyuan Xia, Director of FAO Plant Production and Protection Division
The seminar will be moderated by Jingyuan Xia, Director of FAO Plant Production and Protection Division