Manejo integrado de plagas y plaguicidas


Technical guidelines - This guidance document is designed to collect in one place and provide a reasonably comprehensive source of compliance and enforcement guidance to support implementation of the International Code of Conduct.
Technical guidelines - The present guidelines were developed to provide guidance for both the pesticide industry and for governments on the design, conduct and evaluation of pesticide efficacy trials, as stipulated by the Code of Conduct.
Technical guidelines - The aim of this document is to provide a general guidance for the establishment or strengthening of national pesticide quality control activities, irrespective of the use of the product, whether public health or agricultural. This document focuses on laboratories involved in the post-registration analysis of...
Technical guidelines - El Código Internacional de Conducta para la Distribución y Utilización de Plaguicidas fue uno de los primeros códigos de conducta voluntarios encaminado a conseguir una mayor seguridad alimentaria y, al mismo tiempo, proteger la salud humana y el medio ambiente.
Technical guidelines - An important objective of these guidelines is to assist FAO and other agencies to ensure that sprayers purchased are safe to users and to the environment as well as being efficient and durable in operation. Even the cheapest sprayer models should meet minimum standards of...