مجموعة أدوات تسجيل مبيدات الآفات

Step 1: Assess proposed or registered uses of the pesticide for which alternative(s) need to be sought


This step aims at identifying the prevalent uses of the highly hazardous pesticide (HHP) (i.e. crop–pest combinations) as well as its users.

Information required and possible sources:


Possible sources

Proposed or registered pesticide uses: all crop–pest combinations for which the HHP is intended to be used or has been authorized

  • National pesticide registry
  • Authorized pesticide labels


Volume of the pesticide imported


  • Importation or sales database at the pesticide registration authority
  • Customs importation database
  • Pesticide importers and distributors
  • Major pesticide users; farmer organizations; cooperatives


Volume of the pesticide locally manufactured or formulated (where relevant)


  • Manufacturer or formulator database at the pesticide registration authority or at the ministry responsible for industry.
  • National pesticide manufacturers or formulators


Actual uses in the field, e.g. by district/area or by crop/use


  • Pesticide distributors and dealers
  • Agricultural extension officers
  • Major pesticide users (e.g. large farms, government users (e.g. for disease vector control)
  • Agricultural producer associations
  • Farmers (e.g. through surveys)



  • Map all actual and/or authorised uses of the HHP (for all relevant formulated products);
  • Estimate quantities of the pesticide used annually, during the last 3 to 5 years (based on importation and/or manufacturing and/or use statistics);
  • Identify registered uses which are not actually used;
  • Analyse the geographical distribution of use of the HHP within the country, to identify key user groups and stakeholders
  • Gather information on the ways in which the pesticide is being used in the field, from farmers’ interviews, producers’ associations, researchers, extension officers and pesticide dealers/distributors.

Example summary of an analysis of the uses of the insecticide HHP-X in a hypothetical country

Active ingredient: HHP-X

Registered formulated products:

A = 100 g a.i./L EC

B = 220 g a.i./kg WG

Possible conclusions:

  • Uses of HHP-X (products A & B) in maize and cotton are authorized and of considerable magnitude; alternatives may be needed.
  • Use of HHP-X (product A) in tomato is not authorized; however, this use may need to be further evaluated to determine the extent to which other pesticide products or pest management approaches are used.
  • HHP-X (product B) is not used in cucumber so no alternative needs to be sought; registration of this use can probably be cancelled.




Registered use

Geographical distribution of use

Estimated yearly pesticide use

Main users


Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda)




70 – 90 tons

Large-scale cereal farmers


Fruit worm (Helicoverpa zea)



District E

Use regularly observed, but quantity unknown

Urban and peri-urban vegetable farms


American Bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera)



District A

District B

District C

1,000 – 1,500 tons

Small-holder cotton farmers


Cucumber moth (Diaphania indica)



Currently not used in this crop (extension service information)

Example summary of an analysis of the uses of the fungicide HHP-Z in a hypothetical country

Active ingredient: HHP-Z

Registered formulated products:

C = 450 g a.i./L SC

Possible conclusions:

Even though HHP-Z (product C) is registered, it has not recently been imported nor locally formulated, and is therefore unlikely to be used. The registration authority may assess whether the registration of HHP-Z can be cancelled.




Registered use

Geographical distribution of use

Estimated yearly pesticide use

Main users

Sugar cane

Eye spot (Helminthosporium sacchari)



HHP-Z (product A) has not been imported during the last 3 years; only a minor quantity (350 L) was imported 4 years ago.

HHP-Z (product A) is not locally formulated either.


White leaf spot (Ceratocystis paradoxa)



Outcome of Step 1:

  • Current uses of the HHP (crop–pest combinations) for which alternatives may be required;
  • Key stakeholders to engage in the process.



Next: Step 2. Evaluate crops/pests for which alternative(s) need to be sought