Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

Involve key stakeholders

Frequent consultation and collaboration with key stakeholders is crucial to ensure that appropriate alternatives to HHPs are chosen, and to facilitate implementation of such alternatives. The introduction of alternatives is hardly ever solely dependent on actions of the pesticide regulatory authority. In particular, close collaboration and consultation with pesticide users (often the farming community) and extension or advisory services is essential for effective identification and implementation of alternatives.

However, whenever regulatory decisions have to be taken, e.g. about the registration of a pesticide or biocontrol agent, the national authority should take such decisions independently on the basis of the legislation and regardless of specific stakeholder interests.

Stakeholder consultations are particularly important in Step 2 (evaluate crop-pest combinations requiring alternatives), Step 3 (identify potential alternatives) and Step 4 (compare alternatives and identify viable options). Broad stakeholder involvement in these steps will contribute to balanced decisions.

Stakeholder collaboration is essential for Step 5 (plan implementation of alternatives).

Which stakeholders are important to involve depends on the country, local situation in the country, as well as the crop(s) or use(s) for which alternatives need to be identified and put into effect. But several of the stakeholders below will most likely need to be associated.

  • Farmers (either smallholders and/or large commercial farms) and/or farmer or producer associations
  • Other pesticide users (e.g. public health authorities, pest control operators, household users, etc.)
  • Pesticide registration authorities
  • Plant protection services
  • Agricultural extension and advisory services
  • Poison information centre(s)
  • Health authorities
    Environment authorities
  • Relevant research institutions (both academic and applied)
  • Pesticide importers, distributors and retailers
  • Local pesticide manufacturers and formulators
  • Biocontrol importers, distributors and local biocontrol producers
  • NGOs working in agriculture, rural development, disease vector control
  • Relevant civil society organizations, e.g. consumer organizations, environmental groups.
  • National representations of FAO and/or WHO
  • Designated National Authorities of relevant multilateral convention

Other stakeholders may also be relevant.

A more in-depth discussion of the roles of various stakeholders in identifying and implementing alternatives to high risk pesticides can be found in these UNEP guidelines” {INSERTLINK placeholder until link is available}