مجموعة أدوات تسجيل مبيدات الآفات

#1019 Effects on soil microbial activity

Objective of the study

The study is designed to investigate the long-term effects of a pesticide on nitrogen transformation activity of soil microorganisms, after a single  exposure.

In the case of pesticides intended for soil sterilisation, the study shall be designed to measure rates of recovery of microbial activity following treatment.


Circumstances under which the study is recommended to be required

Data with the active ingredient are recommended for all terrestrial outdoor uses.


Test organism

The study is conducted with a natural soil. Permanent pastures, fields with annual cereal crops (except maize) or densely sown green manures are suitable.

The selected sampling site should not have been treated with pesticides for a minimum of one year before sampling, nor should organic fertiliser have been applied for at least six months. Mineral fertilisers may be used as long as soil samples are not taken until at least three months after fertiliser application. The use of soil treated with fertilisers with known biocidal effects (e.g. calcium cyanamide) should be avoided.


Test substance

  • Technical grade active ingredient
  • A study with the end-use product is recommended to be required if the toxicity of the pesticide product cannot be reliably predicted on the basis of the active ingredient alone.

Typical endpoints of the study

  • Quantity of nitrate formed (mg nitrate/kg dry weight soil/day)
  • Percent deviation of the nitrate formation rate in each treatment compared with that in the control
  • EC25, EC10 or NOEC, or EC50

Testing guidelines

The following test guidelines may be used for determination of the acute contact toxicity: