Pesticide Registration Toolkit

#108 Method of manufacture (starting materials, pathways, by-products and impurities)

OECD data point number

IIA 1.8 (Chemical pesticides – active ingredient)

IIP 1.8 (pheromones and other semiochemicals – active ingredient)

Circumstances in which the data are required

The information is always required.

Test substance

Information to be provided for: technical grade active ingredient (TGAI)

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

IIA 1.8.1 / IIP 1.8.1: The method of manufacture, in terms of the chemical pathways involved, and the identity of by-products and impurities present in the final product, should be provided, for each manufacturing plant.
IIA 1.8.2 / IIP 1.8.2:  A description of the identity of the starting materials should be provided
Where the information provided relates to a pilot plant production system, the information required should again be provided once industrial scale production methods and procedures have stabilized.


Chemical pesticides
BioChemical pesticides