Pesticide Registration Toolkit

#111 Identity, content, structural formula of impurities and additives

OECD data point number

IIP 1.10.2 (pheromones and other semiochemicals – active ingredient)


Circumstances in which the data are required

The information is always required.

Test substance

Information to be provided for: technical grade active ingredient (TGAI)

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

IIP 1.10.2 Impurities and additives
  • IUPAC and CA names
  • ISO common name proposed or accepted
  • CAS and CIPAC numbers
  • molecular and structural formula
  • molecular mass
  • maximum content in g/kg
  • whether or not relevant to a pilot plant
  • in the case of additives, their function and trade names
  • in the case of impurities and by-products of particular environmental concern, details of the analytical methods
  • guidance in identifying impurities of toxicological concern
