Pesticide Registration Toolkit

#628 Medical data

Objective of the studies

Medical data, from various sources, may be relevant for the recognition of symptoms and signs of poisoning by the pesticide and the effectiveness of first aid and medical treatment.

Circumstances under which the study is recommended to be required

If available, medical data should be submitted

Test organism

Observations are generally made on humans.

Test substance

Technical grade active ingredient or typical end-use product(s)

Types of data

The following medical data, where available, may be relevant for pesticide registration.
  • Reports of occupational health surveillance programs and of monitoring studies.
  • Reports from studies with humans, such as tests on toxicokinetics and metabolism, or tests on skin irritation or skin sensitisation;
  • Reports from the open literature relating to clinical cases and poisoning incidents;
  • Relevant epidemiological studies;
  • Diagnosis of poisoning: detailed description of the clinical signs and symptoms of poisoning, including the early signs and symptoms and full details of clinical tests useful for diagnostic purposes;
  • Expected effects of poisoning and the duration of these effects following poisoning shall be described;
  • Proposed treatment: first aid measures, antidotes, medical treatment.

Test guidelines

No specific guidelines are available for the collection and analysis of medical data of pesticides that have been submitted for registration.