Kit de Herramientas para el Registro de Plaguicidas

#308 Necessary waiting periods or other precautions to avoid phytotoxic effects on succeeding crops

Objective of the information

If relevant, information on the necessary minimum waiting periods between the last application and sowing or planting of succeeding crops, to avoid phytotoxic effects on these succeeding crops, should be provided.

If there are limitations in the choice of succeeding crops, due to possible phytotoxicity, this should be clearly indicated.

Circumstances in which the information is required

The information is required if adverse effects of the pesticide on succeeding crops are possible.


Information should be provided for the formulated product.

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

  • Minimum waiting periods, or other precautions, between the last application and sowing or planting of succeeding crops.
  • Limitations with respect to choice of succeeding crops.
  • Description of damage to succeeding/rotational crops.


  • None