Kit de Herramientas para el Registro de Plaguicidas

#310 Proposed instructions for use as printed, or to be printed, on the label

Objective of the information

Provide the proposed instructions for use of the pesticide, to be printed on labels and leaflets.

Circumstances in which the information is required

The information is always required


Information should be provided for the formulated product.

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

The instructions for use, or directions for use, on the label must clearly indicate how, when and where the product can be legally used with maximum efficacy and minimum risk. This information may be repeated and/or expanded in a separate/attached leaflet, but the essential instructions must always be displayed on the label. 

Practical advice should, where relevant, be included on: 

  • Where to use the product: crops; targets pests/weeds; situations; 
  • Dose rate(s); 
  • Mixing instructions and water volumes, where appropriate. The use of volumes/weights in mixing instruction should preferably be in the same unit as the unit of the container, to avoid potential conversion errors); 
  • Methods of application; incompatibilities with specific (equipment) materials, where appropriate; 
  • When to use the product, including: timing and frequency of application; maximum number of applications per season/year; intervals between applications; or when not to use the product; 
  • Warnings should be included that different pesticides should not be mixed in one spray solution, except in case of a registered tank-mix. Warnings related to phytotoxicity, susceptible adjacent crops, following crops; 
  • Other specific conditions or restrictions pertaining to use, such as environmental, agricultural or weather conditions or spray drift; 
  • Withholding periods and pre-harvest intervals; re-entry intervals; pre-slaughter intervals 
  • Incompatibility with other products, where appropriate; 
  • Resistance prevention and management information, including the mode of action (MOA) code of the pesticide [32], where appropriate; 
  • Instructions for cleaning application equipment and PPE. 
