Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

#105 Manufacturer's codes, trade name(s) and patent status

OECD data point number

IIA 1.5 (Chemical pesticides – active ingredient)

IIP 1.5 (pheromones and other semiochemicals – active ingredient)

Circumstances in which the data are required

The information is always required

Test substance

Information to be provided for: technical grade active ingredient (TGAI)

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

IIA 1.5.1 / IIP 1.5.1:  The manufacturer’s code numbers used to identify the active ingredient (of the chemical pesticide or the pheromone or semiochemical), and where available, formulations containing the active ingredient, during development work, should be reported. For each code number reported, the material to which it relates, the period for which it was used, and the countries in which it was used and is being used, should be stated.
IIA 1.5.2 / IIP 1.5.2:  The former and current trade name(s) of the active ingredient should be provided, if available.
IIA 1.5.3 / IIP 1.5.3:  The patent status of the active ingredient should be provided.

