Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

#304 Rate of application per unit treated

Objective of the information

Provide details of the rate of application of the pesticide that is to be registered for each of the intended uses. 

Circumstances in which the information is required

The information is always required.


Information should be provided for the active ingredient and the formulated product (FP).

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

For each of the intended uses, and for each method of application, the rate of application per unit treated should be provided, both for the formulated product and for the active ingredient. Application rates are preferably expressed in the metric system.

Examples of application rates are, as appropriate:

For the formulated product:

  • g, kg, mL or L of product per ha (e.g. for field crops)
  • mL or L of product per m2 (e.g. for indoor residual treatment)
  • kg or L of product per m3 (e.g. for space spraying or for protected crops)
  • g, kg, mL or L of product per tonne (e.g. for treatment of stored commodities)
  • g, kg, mL or L of product per 100 m2 (e.g. for protected crops or home gardening)

For the active ingredient:

  • g or kg a.i. per ha
  • g a.i. per m2
  • g a.i. per m3
  • g or kg a.i. per tonne
  • g or kg a.i. per 100 m

The rate of application is listed in the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) table


  • None