Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

#305 Concentration of active ingredient in material used

Objective of the information

Provide the concentration of active ingredient(s) in the material used for the treatment.

Circumstances in which the information is required

The information is always required, if applicable to the treatment(s) to be registered: e.g. if the pesticide formulation is to be diluted before spraying, applied as a seed treatment, applied as a bait.


Information should be provided for the material to be applied.

Typical information to be provided by the applicant

The concentration of the active ingredient(s) in the material to be applied (e.g. diluted spray, bait, treated seed, etc.) should be specified, preferably expressed in the metric system. 
Examples of concentrations are, as appropriate:

  • g a.i. per L
  • g a.i. per kg
  • mg a.i. per kg
  • g a.i. per tonne

