Pesticide Registration Toolkit

#630 Dermal penetration

Objective of the study

The objective of the dermal penetration (or dermal absorption) study is to provide a measurement of the absorption through the skin of the active substance and the toxicologically relevant compounds in the formulated pesticide.

Circumstances under which the study is recommended to be required

A dermal penetration study should be conducted when dermal exposure is a significant exposure route, and no acceptable risk is estimated using default absorption values (if applicable).
A risk assessment assuming that dermal absorption is equal to oral absorption is recommended to be performed to determine if the study is recommended, and to identify the doses and duration of exposure for which dermal absorption is to be quantified.

Test organism

The dermal penetration study is conducted preferably using human skin in vitro. However, in vitro mammalian animal skin, or in vivo methods, may also be acceptable.

Test substance

Typical end-use product – both the concentrated formulation and in-use dilution.
Sometimes technical grade active ingredient is also assessed.

Typical endpoints of the study

Typical endpoints of the dermal penetration study include (among others):
  • overall recoveries of the experiment;
  • absorption data, expressed as rate, amount or percentage

Test guidelines

The following test guidelines may be used for the acute neurotoxicity study: