Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

Reduce the application rate

Description of the measure

The application rate of the pesticide can be reduced to achieve acceptable risk, while still resulting in effective control.

The application rate is generally expressed as the quantity of active ingredient (a.i.) per unit treated, for instance, kg a.i./ha or g a.i./m3 or g a.i./kg seed.

Conditions for effective implementation

The application rate of the pesticide should be reduced without significantly affecting its efficacy.

Generally, if the recommended application rate has been based on a series of efficacy trials resulting in a minimum effective dose, there will be little or no room to reduce the application rate. However, if the recommended application rate has been based on single dose confirmatory trials, there may be room for a reduction in application rate.

Estimated risk reduction potential

The risk reduction potential will often be approximately proportional to the reduction in application rate.

Potential constraints

In principle, the reduced application rate should be chosen so it still is sufficiently effective against the pest, weed or disease. There would thus not be an adverse effect on efficacy.

However, a reduced application rate may in some cases lead to a less robust effectiveness of the pesticide, i.e. the pesticide may be less effective under the more challenging pest infestation or environmental conditions.

Further information

Recommendations on pesticide efficacy trials and setting recommended application rates can be found in the Application and Efficacy module under the Assessment Methods Tool, or in the FAO Guidelines on efficacy evaluation for the registration of plant protection products