Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

Require advance notification of beekeepers to allow them to relocate or close the beehives

Description of the measure

The early provision of information to beekeepers about pesticide applications is critical to allow them to take the necessary measures to protect their bees. This generally concerns closing/covering the hives or relocating them a safe distance away from the area to be treated.

Advance notification implies a communication system between farmers and beekeepers, in  particular that farmers inform beekeepers about the pesticide applications that are planned in their fields and, in turn, that beekeepers inform farmers on the location of their apiaries. Information can be provided directly (“neighbour-to-neighbour”), through beekeeper associations or via sms, app or internet services.

Given the importance of pollination for crop production, information exchange or alerting systems have been established in many countries, where farmers can inform beekeepers about upcoming pesticide applications. In some countries, prior agreement by the beekeeper is a prerequisite for a farmer to be allowed to treat a crop. 

Conditions for effective implementation

A effective system should be in place to inform beekeepers prior to pesticide treatments.

Estimated risk reduction potential

Potentially, advance notification of beekeepers will reduce the risks to domesticated bees by up to 100%.

Potential constraints

Adverse effects of pesticides on other pollinators, such a bumblebees, wild bees and hoverflies, are not mitigated by this measure.

Further information

Further information on notification services for beekeepers can be found in the MAgPIE workshop report – Mitigating the risks of plant protection products in the environment. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC))