Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

Require specific personal protective equipment

Description of the measure

In some cases, the occupational risk of a pesticide may not be acceptable without personal protective equipment (PPE)  but will be acceptable if PPE is used. A pesticide may then be registered under the condition that specific PPE must be used.

Conditions for effective implementation

A key condition for effective implementation of this measure is that the required PPE is available to the user at an affordable cost. If the PPE is so expensive that it cannot realistically be bought by the intended users, or is not available at all, the measure is unlikely to be effective. 

Furthermore, the required PPE should be comfortable to wear under the local climatic conditions. This is in particular important in hot, humid climates, where the use of inappropriate PPE may result in heat stroke which increases the risk of using pesticides.

Estimated risk reduction potential

The risk reduction potential of PPE depends on the type of equipment, its quality, maintenance and whether it is properly used. Different protection factors of PPE can therefore been found.

The table below shows indicative protection factors of different types of PPE as they are used in the occupational risk assessment model of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

Type of PPE


Exposure reduction


Mask – FP1, P1 and similar

Inhalation: 75 %
Dermal (head): 20 %


Mask – FP2, P2 and similar 

Inhalation: 90 %
Dermal (head): 20 %


Work wear: arms body and legs covered 

Dermal (body): 90%


Protective (chemical resistant) coveralls

Dermal (body): 95 %



Liquid formulations (hands): 90%; 
Solid formulations (hands): 95%



Dermal (head): 50%


Hood & visor

Dermal (head): 95%

See the Assessment Methods module for more information.

Potential constraints

As a rule, requirements to use specific PPE are included on the pesticide label. In addition, awareness on the importance of using PPE should be created and information and advice on using PPE should be provided by extension or advisory services and by pesticide retailers. But even then, there is no certainty that the PPE is actually used.

It is almost impossible to enforce the use PPE, in particular in the case of smallholder farming. Therefore, when the use of PPE is a condition to reduce occupational risk to acceptable levels, registrars may consider combining this measure with restricting the use of the pesticide. It tends to be easier to enforce the use of PPE for restricted uses, e.g. only by licensed pest control operators.

Further information

FAO Guidelines for personal protection when working with pesticides in tropical climates (1990)