Kit de Herramientas para el Registro de Plaguicidas

WHO - Risk assessment

A risk assessment of the vector control product, under its conditions of use, is an important part of the WHO evaluation. Specific risk assessment models have been developed for the use patterns listed in the table below. Each of these models includes exposure and risk assessments for various human health aspects relevant to the specific use pattern. In some cases, environmental risk assessments are also included.

WHO Risk assessment model

Coverage of the model


Human health


Indoor and outdoor space spraying


  • Spray operators
  • Residents returning to treated houses
  • Bystanders who are present during an outdoor application



  • Aquatic organisms
  • Soil organisms
  • Terrestrial vertebrates


Insecticide treated nets


  • Persons sleeping under treated nets
  • Persons washing treated nets
  • Persons treating nets
  • Persons accidentally swallowing concentrated formulations
  • Children chewing treated netting



  • None


Indoor residual spraying


  • Spray operators
  • Residents living in treated houses
  • Residents who participate in preparing and applying the insecticides



  • None


Larviciding and mollusciciding


  • Spray operators
  • Residents coming into contact with or use treated waters



  • Aquatic organisms
  • Soil organisms
  • Terrestrial vertebrates


More information on the WHOPES risk assessment models, as well as spreadsheet calculators, can be found in the relevant sections of the Assessment Methods module of the Toolkit, or by clicking on the links in the table.