Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

Для оптимального использования инструментария, обучение персонала, проводящего регистрацию пестицидов, имеет существенное значение. Наращивание потенциала может охватывать общие процессы и процедуры регистрации пестицидов, а также может сосредоточиться на более специализированных технических или научных аспектах, таких как оценка риска, оценка эффективности, управление и снижение уровня риска, классификация, маркировка и т.д. 

Регистраторы пестицидов могут связаться с ФАО, чтобы проанализировать потребности в подготовке кадров и разработать проекты или программы наращивания потенциала в области регистрации пестицидов. 

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Registrars in the Pacific use the Toolkit to discuss regional evaluation of pesticides

08/05/2017 - 12/05/2017
Pesticide registrars from 10 countries in the Pacific discussed far-reaching regional collaboration to strengthen the registration of pesticides. The meeting was held in Nadi, Fiji, from 8 – 12 May 2017, to review a draft memorandum of understanding among countries and the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC), for the establishment of a Pacific Pesticide Registration and Management Scheme.The FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit was introduced during the meeting and participants practiced its navigation. Various modules of the Toolkit, such as decision making, registration strategies, assessment methods and information sources, were used to suggest methods that the proposed Regional Pesticide Advisory Committee can apply when conducting scientific evaluation of the pesticides submitted for registration in the Pacific.See the SPC website for more information.

National Toolkit workshop in Malawi

27/03/2017 - 31/03/2017
A national workshop on the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit was organized from 27 to 31 March in Blantyre, Malawi. The training workshop was conducted to strengthen the Pesticide Control Board’s regulatory capacity to ensure sound management of pesticides. The trainees comprised 8 staff members from the Pesticide Control Board (Registration office and inspection team), two members of the PCB Technical Team and the national FAO project coordinator. During the workshop the participants were presented with the contents of the Toolkit and practical exercises that allow them to make use of the Toolkit in their day-to-day work. One of the recommendations of the participants from this workshop was to include into the Toolkit a glossary of frequently used pesticide registration terminologywhich has since been implemented under the Terms and Defintions section on the website. The workshop was funded by the Pesticide Risk Reduction project in Malawi.

Caribbean pesticide registrars meet in Trinidad

07/02/2017 - 11/02/2017
FAO organized a workshop on the Pesticide Registration Toolkit, from 7 to 11 February 2017, In Claxton Bay, Trinidad. Twenty-six participants took part in the workshop, coming from 13 Caribbean countries. Participants were either registrars of pesticides, staff of pesticide registration authorities, or otherwise involved in the evaluation and authorization of pesticides. The workshop covered the structure and contents of the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit and consisted of presentations, discussions, exercises and case studies. Participants familiarized themselves with the various modules of the Toolkit and became comfortable navigating and using it. Pesticide registration staff considered the Toolkit very useful for their daily work. The workshop had provided new insights about options and methods that can be used for the evaluation of a pesticide. The participants also underlined the importance of regional collaboration and information exchange in the Caribbean.

Pesticide Registration Toolkit - Training of trainers

07/11/2016 - 18/11/2016
From 7 – 18 November, FAO hosted a training-of-trainers on its Pesticide Registration Toolkit. During the training, a global team of experts in pesticide registration and management discussed materials developed by FAO to make registration authorities in developing countries aware of the Toolkit and train them in its use. Registration is an important step in management of pesticides. It enables authorities primarily to determine which products are permitted to be used and for what purposes, and also to exercise control over quality, use levels, claims, labelling, packaging and advertising of pesticides. Thus, registration a key step to ensure that the interests of end-users as well as the environment are well protected. This process is particularly complex in countries with limited resources.To help filling this gap, the FAO toolkit is designed for assisting pesticide registrars from developing countries in the day to day tasks to conduct pesticide registration, including those aspects that concern risk assessment. It facilitates finding data requirements, evaluating human and environmental risks, and determining risk mitigation measures. The toolkit will also assist registrars in accessing many kinds of pesticide-specific information such as the registration status in other countries, scientific reviews and hazard classifications among others. Hans Dreyer, Director of the Plant Production and Protection Division at FAO, stressed to participants that to implement FAOs Strategic Objectives, the FAO Agricultural Department is pursuing sustainable crop production intensification that follows Integrated Pest Management approaches based on agro-ecological principles. Reducing risks of pesticides is an important component that still faces many challenges, and the newly developed FAO Toolkit on Pesticide Registration would provide strong support to pesticide regulatory authorities particularly in developing countries on sound management and risk reduction of pesticides throughout their life cycle. An extensive programme involving trainers from Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, China, Germany, Mozambique, New Zealand, Saint Lucia, Sweden and Zimbabwe to roll out the Toolkit in various regions of the world was also established. FAO will continue to develop new modules in the Toolkit and update its contents, to ensure that pesticide registration staff are supported in contributing to sustainable agricultural intensification. For more information, contact Gu Baogen ([email protected])

Национальный семинар по инструментарию в Мьянме

04/04/2016 - 07/04/2016
Национальный семинар по инструментарию регистрации пестицидов ФАО будет организован при тесном сотрудничестве с Отделом защиты растений Мьянмы с 4 по 7 апреля 2016 года в Янгоне. Семинар соберет сотрудников, занимающихся регистрацией пестицидов, из Министерства сельского хозяйства и ирригации, членов национального совета по вопросам регистрации пестицидов и участников соответствующих исследовательских учреждений. Цель семинара – представить содержание инструментария и гарантировать его использование в ежедневной работе участников. Ожидается, что семинар поспособствует принятию более взвешенных решений с целью разрешения использования пестицидов в Мьянме. В свою очередь, данная деятельность приведет к более эффективному управлению вредителями и снизит риск в отношении здоровья людей и окружающей среды. Семинар финансируется региональным проектом ФАО по снижению риска, исходящего от пестицидов, в странах Юго-Восточной Азии, а также Правительством Швеции.

Сотрудники регулирующих органов из стран Юго-Восточной Азии и Восточной Африки тестируют инструментарий

01/06/2015 - 05/06/2015
В июне 2015 года в Ханое и Дар-эс-Саламе ФАО организовала два региональных семинара, в котором приняли участие сотрудники органов власти, занимающиеся вопросами регистрации пестицидов, из стран Юго-Восточной Азии и Восточной Африки. Участникам представили инструментарий регистрации пестицидов и протестировали его содержание и функциональные возможности. На основании полученных комментариев ФАО совершенствует инструментарий, чтобы наиболее качественно удовлетворить потребности регистраторов пестицидов в странах с ограниченными ресурсами.