Вебсайты с инструментарием регистрации пестицидов

Caribbean pesticide registrars meet in Trinidad

07/02/2017 - 11/02/2017

FAO organized a workshop on the Pesticide Registration Toolkit, from 7 to 11 February 2017, In Claxton Bay, Trinidad. Twenty-six participants took part in the workshop, coming from 13 Caribbean countries. Participants were either registrars of pesticides, staff of pesticide registration authorities, or otherwise involved in the evaluation and authorization of pesticides.

The workshop covered the structure and contents of the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit and consisted of presentations, discussions, exercises and case studies. Participants familiarized themselves with the various modules of the Toolkit and became comfortable navigating and using it.

Pesticide registration staff considered the Toolkit very useful for their daily work. The workshop had provided new insights about options and methods that can be used for the evaluation of a pesticide. The participants also underlined the importance of regional collaboration and information exchange in the Caribbean.