FAO in the Philippines

New FAO Philippines head meets with Agriculture Senior Undersecretary Panganiban to discuss ways forward in two agencies' partnership

FAO and the Department of Agriculture has long been working together to help realize a healthy and hunger-free Philippines. The installation of Dr Dabbadie as new FAO Representative in the Philippines presents new and exciting opportunities in this long-standing partnership.

DA Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban and FAOR in the Philippines Lionel Dabbadie.

Newly installed FAO Representative (FAOR) in the Philippines, Lionel Dabbadie, and Department of Agriculture Senior Undersecretary Domingo Panganiban met on 13 February during which the FAOR presented his credentials to the Senior Undersecretary and talked about the ways forward in the partnership between the two agencies.

Among the topics discussed were the DA’s priorities for the agriculture and fisheries sector, including climate resilience, the need to accelerate efforts to meet targets for rice and corn industries, addressing animal and plant pests and diseases, intensification of urban agriculture and promotion of high value crops.

Dr Dabbadie also briefed the Senior Undersecretary of some of the upcoming important events and activities in which the DA will play an active role. These include Green Climate Fund Board deliberation on a vital initiative to boost climate resilience of the country's agriculture, the UN Food Security Summit stocktaking moment in July (recognizing DA’s leadership on behalf of the Philippine government), the possible Philippine representation in FAO's Hand-in-Hand Investment Forum to showcase the country’s good practices, and the preparations for the 37th Asia Pacific Regional Conference of FAO slated in March.

Accompanying Dr Dabbadie was Ms Tamara Palis-Duran, Assistant FAO Representative for Programme. Also present were Undersecretary for Fisheries Drusila Bayate; Director Jerome Buunyi of the Agri Industrialization Program (AIDPro); Director Junibert de Sagun of DA - Agribusiness Marketing Assistance Service and ;representatives from the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources and the DA International Affairs Division.