FAO in the Philippines

FAO, DSWD hold consultations with local government on proposed EU pilot anticipatory action on flooding in Mindanao

The pilot project, to be supported by the EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), will apply and test the principles of anticipatory action related to flooding events in the Municipality of Midsayap. Lessons learned here could then be applied to the greater Bangsamoro Region where flooding has been a constant challenge to the lives and livelihoods of the people.

FAO and local government representatives of Midsayap Municipality at the consultation meeting of the proposed ECHO-supported anticipatory action pilot project.

In line with the continuing support of the European Union to boost local capacities and scale for anticipatory action, including through social protection in the Philippines, Department of Social Welfare and Development and FAO Philippines conducted a joint participatory dialogue with local government officials of the Municipality of Midsayap on 9 February 2023 to discuss the design of a project, to be piloted in the municipality, that aims to mitigate the impact of a severe flood in the lives and livelihoods of rural communities.

From the dialogue, it was explained that flooding has been a concern because in certain barangays, two months of flooding have prevented farmers from planting corn in marshlands and affected productivity.

A community consultation with parent-leaders of the DSWD’s Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) was also conducted, with the support of DSWD Field Office XII and municipal representatives, to gather insights from local community stakeholders on the flood condition, needs and suggestions for the improvement of related service delivery.

Ms. Arlynn Aquino, representative of the EU Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), said that beyond life-saving interventions, the approach of linking anticipatory action and social protection is well placed in the Philippine context. She also reiterated ECHO’s continued commitment to help the people of Midsayap and the Bangsamoro Region, in general, in adapting to and building resilience to natural and human-induced risks and disasters.

On the part of the Midsayap LGU, Mayor Rolly Sacdalan, welcomed the approach and assured the implementing agencies his full support and commitment to ensure the success of the upcoming project. He said that this new approach to reduce the impact on rural communities and support coming from the national government would be most welcome.