FAO in the Philippines

FAO trains Bangsamoro government partners on Damage Assessment and Reporting System, and Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture

The training, which is part of the capacity building interventions of the "Support to Agriculture-based Livelihoods and Agribusiness Enterprise for Sustainable Peace and Development in Maguindanao and Cotabato� supported by the Government of New Zealand, aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of partners in BARMM to undertake timely and accurate damage assessment and reporting, as well as to familiarize them on the Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture (RSBSA).

FAO project staff and training participants at the conclusion of the DARS and RSBSA training workshop.

From 7 to 9 February 2023, FAO organized a training on Damage Assessment and Reporting System (DARS) and Registry System for Basic Sector in Agriculture (RSBSA) for selected regional, provincial and municipal personnel of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Agrarian Reform (MAFAR) of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). Resource persons came from FAO as well as from the Department of Agriculture - Philippines, particularly the Field Programs Operational Planning Division (DA-FPOPD).

The training was borne out of the need to capacitate MAFAR personnel on DRRM in agriculture in the aftermath of Typhoon Paeng that hit Maguindanao in October 2022, causing significant damage to lives and properties. It aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of participants to undertake timely and accurate damage assessment and reporting, as well as to familiarize them on RSBSA.

The activity equipped participants to collect accurate and reliable data, and timely reporting of damages and losses during disasters using standardized templates and in accordance with prescribed timelines. These could then be used by relevant government entities to undertake appropriate relief, response and recovery interventions.

The training was conducted under the auspices of the FAO-implemented project "Support to Agriculture-based Livelihoods and Agribusiness Enterprise for Sustainable Peace and Development in Maguindanao and Cotabato”, which is supported by the Government of New Zealand.