FAO in the Philippines

FAO emphasizes need to strengthen human resource capacities for effective agricultural mechanization

In 2015, FAO distributed more than 300 sets of farm machinery and equipment to farmers in the Philippines.

Manila – As efforts are sustained to hit the 2016 target for raising farm mechanization levels in the Philippines, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) emphasizes the need to strengthen human resource capacities to ensure that investments are maximized.

Since 2010, the Department of Agriculture has been distributing modern farm machinery and providing technical assistance and training to farmers with the aim of achieving mechanization of 3.5 horsepower per hectare by 2016. Estimates for 2014 indicate that the number of rice harvesters alone has increased to 1 806 units from 41 units in 2011.

Such post-harvest machines, combined with tractors and transplanters, among others, significantly help improve farm productivity and product quality, and reduce production cost and post-harvest losses, which translate to enhanced income for farmers and improved food supply.

“As the Philippines gradually catches up with its neighbours in Asia in the shift from traditional labour-intensive production and post-harvest operations to mechanized labour-saving technologies, it is imperative to ensure that the gap in human resource capacities for the effective uptake of new technologies is addressed,” said FAO Representative José Luis Fernández.

At the 3rd Regional Forum on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization attended by delegates from Asia-Pacific earlier this month in Manila, Fernández also reiterated the need to broaden the scope and align the curricula of higher education and training institutions in the field of sustainable agricultural mechanization with changing trends in the region and with sustainability principles.

“Trained human resources are instrumental to sustainable mechanization. In order to promote the appropriate selection and proper use of mechanization, training must take place at all levels and involve a wide range of stakeholders including  the departments of Agriculture, Trade and Industry, as well as farmer organizations, agri-food supply chain stakeholders and those working in the agricultural machinery and supply chains. The benefits of mechanization will not be fully harnessed, especially by smallholders, unless these effective linkages are created,” he said.

FAO has been integrating farm mechanization in its various projects in support of the Government of the Philippines. In 2015, the Organization distributed more than 300 sets of farm machinery and equipment, including hand tractors, tillers, shredders, rice threshers and reapers, corn shellers, multi-purpose dryer, mini corn mills, micro-mills, among others, to farmers and community-based organizations in areas affected by Typhoon Haiyan (local name Yolanda).