FAO in the Philippines

APA Project lays the groundwork for a climate-resilient agriculture in the Philippines

The APA Project represents a significant step forward in the fight against climate change, setting a precedent for future initiatives aimed at safeguarding the livelihoods of Filipino farmers and creating a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector in the Philippines.

Participants shared valuable insights during the APA Project Inception Workshop

In a determined effort to bolster the resilience of Filipino farmers amid the changing climate, the "Adapting Philippine Agriculture to Climate Change" (APA) Project has started making significant strides. Spearheaded by the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST-PAGASA), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the project aims to transform the agricultural landscape of the country from one of extreme vulnerability and low adaptive capacity to a paradigm where stakeholders, especially the farmers, understand, monitor, and continuously manage climate risks. 


Setting the stage for climate resilience 

 The APA Project's inception workshop held from June 18 to 19, 2024 marked the starting point for this vital initiative, bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to discuss the project's objectives, strategies, and expected outcomes. The workshop served as a platform for knowledge sharing and collaboration, emphasizing the importance of providing climate information services, promoting climate-resilient agriculture (CRA) technologies, and developing CRA enterprises. These elements are crucial in building a resilient agricultural sector capable of withstanding the impacts of climate change. 


First Project Steering Committee Meeting: A continuing effort 

The joint efforts to combat climate change continued with the first Project Steering Committee Meeting on 4 July 2024. Just in time for the National Disaster Resilience Month, the activity was pivotal for key stakeholders to have a strong grasp of the project's scope, governance structure, activities, funding details, and essential requirements. Asec. U-Nichols Manalo, DA Assistant Secretary for Operations, provided an overview of the project, while Usec. Roger Navarro, DA Undersecretary for Operations, moderated the discussion addressing initial concerns on project implementation. Meanwhile, Ryan Vita, National Technical Assistance Coordinator for the APA Project – FAO, discussed the results of the regional and national inception workshops.  
A critical discussion point was the fine-tuning of the selection criteria for the 100 target municipalities and farmer groups that the project will engage across five regions and nine provinces.  

Financial support and long-term commitment

Spanning seven years from 2023 to 2030, the APA Project is supported by a USD 26.3 million grant from the Green Climate Fund, with counterpart funding of USD 12.9 million from the DA and PAGASA. This substantial financial backing underscores the commitment of both national and international bodies to foster climate resilience in Philippine agriculture. 

The APA Project represents a significant step forward in the fight against climate change, setting a precedent for future initiatives aimed at safeguarding the livelihoods of Filipino farmers and creating a sustainable and resilient agricultural sector in the Philippines. With continued collaboration and dedicated efforts, the project aims to ensure that Filipino farmers are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to thrive in a changing climate.