FAO in the Philippines


Featured stories:
  • Farmers and fisherfolk most affected as Typhoon Mangkhut batters Luzon just before harvest season
  • Family farmer-turned-government expert helps other farmers
  • Supporting community-based enterprises to strengthen agro-biodiversity conservation
  • FAO, Philippines continue to strengthen partnership on achieving food security, nutrition and agricultural development
  • Marawi recovery efforts continue to support restoration of livelihoods of farming communities FAO recognizes Philippines efforts to ensure sustainable management of marine resources
  • FAO convenes emergency meeting of animal health experts in Asia in response to African Swine Fever threat
  • 2018 State of Food Security and Nutrition report
Featured stories:
  • FAO, Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation to strengthen partnership on building more disaster-resilient Filipino communities
  • Australia provides emergency assistance to farmers affected by Typhoon Mangkhut
  • Farming households displaced by Marawi conflict receive assistance from FAO, CERF
  • Visit to the Philippines of Permanent and Alternate Representatives of Member States of FAO Transforming Bangsamoro communities intro agroeconomic areas
  • Philippines launches campaign on responsible use of antimicrobials
  • Early action to protect livelihood of rice farmers in Mindanao against El Niño
  • Supporting Aquaculture Resources Mapping and Development Planning Through ICT-based Solutions

Featured stories: 
  • FAO, legislators launch pilot parliamentary alliance for food security and nutrition in the Philippines
  • Launch of Philippine Valuation Standards 2017 edition
  • Strengthening risk-based food import control
  • FAO, Belgium help restore food security and agricultural livelihoods in conflict-affected communities in Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
  • FAO’s Early Warning, Early Action Initiative
  • Integrated Food Production Project helps communities with high incidence of malnutrition
  • Working with traditional agro-ecosystems communities in the Philippines
  • Building coalition with youth in sustainable development through agriculture, forestry and fishery

Featured stories:
  • Combating antimicrobial resistance in the Philippines
  • FAO Philippines marks its 40th anniversary with government and resource partners
  • 40 years of action: The FAO Representation in the Philippines
  • New Zealand, FAO and Philippine Government renew partnership in support of peace and development in Mindanao
  • FAO seeks to implement US$15.5 million strategic response in Marawi and Lanao del Sur
  • Chronic food insecurity situation analysis in 71 out of 81 provinces of the Philippines
  • Save and Grow: Rice farmers in the Philippines experience higher gains with lower capital
  • Promoting indigenous cultures and traditions in agro- biodiversity conservation

Featured Stories:

- FAO emergency and recovery assistance to reach over 8 000 conflict-affected farming families in Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao

- Addressing the Avian Influenza outbreak in the Philippines

- Making migration a choice, not a necessity

- Codex Alimentarius: propelling food safety and trade in the Philippines

- Geographic information systems, satellite and drone-generated mapping to boost disaster response, risk reduction and climate

  change adaptation in agriculture

- Closing the gender gap in the agriculture sector in the Philippines

- Technology-based solutions for sustainable growth in Philippine aquaculture

- Philippine National Action Plan on Forest Landscape Restoration

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