IV Intellectual marathon “ECO schoolchildren”

Yaroslavl, Russian Federation, 28/03/2020 28/03/2020
The intellectual marathon is held with the aim of educating children to a value-based attitude to nature, aimed at creating an ecological worldview and culture among the younger generation. In 2020, it is dedicated to the International Year of Plant Health.
The marathon is a socially significant event, aimed at solving a number of problems: environmental education of students, the formation of their active life position in environmental protection and moral attitude to the natural world; attracting the attention of students to the comprehensive study and preservation of the natural heritage; development of patriotism, love of the native land; identification and promotion of students' interest in biology, ecology, geography; professional self-determination of students.
200 students will take part in the composition of 40 teams. Age of participants is 16-18 years old. The marathon consists of five stages. The deadline for registration of teams from February 1, 2020 to March 14, 2020 https://leader-id.ru/event/42728/ https://vk.com/ecoshkolnik http://www.uniyar.ac.ru/events/biological/iv-intellektualnyy-marafon-ekoshkolnik/