HBUT Participation in IYPH 2020

Wuhan / Hubei Province, China, 13/12/2019 18/12/2019

As a Dsitinguished Professor of Hubei University of Technology (HBUT), Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, I scheduled a teach-in of the International Year of Plant Health to kickoff two public speeches in different subjects. The teach-in introudces the background and messages of the UN's campaign for IYPH in 2020 so as to raise students' awareness of the importance of the campaign. Both speeches were open to the entire campus community, and the sudiences were aminly faculty & students of HBUT School of Civil Engineering, Architecture & Environment SCEAE). The speeches titled "Design & Development of Ecological Roadsides and Slopes" and "Innovations by Smart Citties, buildings & Energy in the Era Beyond Paris" were respectively held on December 16 and 17, 2019, and the teaching-in was well received the the audiences. The educational event is also programmed as a part of academic activities of SCEAE Hubei Provincial Internationalization Model Institute in which I served as an US Expert.