Events List

Dalla crisi alla ripresa: trasformare l’Europa e l’Italia nel segno dello sviluppo sostenibile

Rome, 22/09/2020 - 22/09/2020
L’evento di apertura del Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile sarà l’occasione per approfondire i temi collegati alla ripresa a livello europeo e nazionale. Grazie alla partecipazione di rappresentanti di primo piano [...]

Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile

Rome Italy , 22/09/2020 - 08/10/2020
Il Festival dello Sviluppo Sostenibile è la più grande iniziativa italiana per sensibilizzare e mobilitare cittadini, imprese, associazioni e istituzioni sui temi della sostenibilità economica, sociale e ambientale, e realizzare [...]

The Bacterial Plant Diseases Programme

Swindon (virtual) United Kingdom, 21/09/2020 - 21/09/2020
The Bacterial Plant Diseases Programme (funded by BBSRC, NERC, Defra and Scottish Government) has funded nine research projects to understand bacterial diseases of UK plants, and find ways to address [...]

British Society of Plant Pathology Biocontrol webinar

London (virtual) United Kingdom, 21/09/2020 - 21/09/2020

Primer concurso nacional de fotografía

Lima (online) Peru, 21/09/2020 - 04/12/2020

LEAF Online Farm Sunday

Stoneleigh United Kingdom, 20/09/2020 - 20/09/2020
On Sunday, we’re bringing to your screens a series of ‘Facebook live’ virtual farm tours, from Jersey to Aberdeenshire, Powys to .. Ghana! That’s right, we’re whisking you off to [...]

Contro l’economia dello scarto. L’economia circolare in Italia

Assisi, 19/09/2020 - 19/09/2020
L’appuntamento dal titolo “Contro l’economia dello scarto. L’economia circolare in Italia” farà il punto sull’economia circolare in Italia e mira a dare una spinta ad intraprendere percorsi virtuosi in linea [...]

Egypt NPPO promotional video (Protecting plants = Protecting human)

Cairo, 19/09/2020
The Phytosanitary Unit in the Central Administration of Plant Quarantine (NPPO of Egypt) representing a promotional video engraving the importance of plant health and protecting them to protect human. This was [...]

II Workshop Internacional de Defesa Sanitária Vegetal

Viçosa, MG, Brazil, 18/09/2020 - 20/09/2020
The “II International Workshop of Phytosanitary Protection” will take place at Viçosa, Brazil. More information:

Workshop on The Essential Role of Phytosanitary (plant quarantine) in Enhancing Food Security and Plant protection, for Maintaining of Life and Ecological Balance 2020

Riyadh, 17/09/2020
Aims for strengthening the capacity of plant quarantine to protect plant production, secure food, preserve biological diversity and environmental balance, by preventing entry of pests and through trade and import [...]

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