Events List

IYPH 2020 India Program

Mumbai, 25/02/2020 - 25/12/2020
IYPH 2020 India Program is based on the United Nations declared International Year of Plant Health (IYPH 2020) as per the UNGA resolution A/RES/73/252. It aims to drive IYPH 2020 [...]

Plant Health Summit

Saskatoon, 25/02/2020 - 26/02/2020
Join leading researchers,   industry stakeholders and your peers at the TCU Place on Feb. 25 and 26, 2020, for Top Crop Manager‘s Plant Health Summit. You’ll leave the event armed [...]

CPNB 2020: The Dundee Conference - Environmental Management & Crop Production

Dundee, 25/02/2020 - 26/02/2020

Ministry of Agriculture’s Annual Review and Planning Meeting

St. Kitts , 25/02/2020 - 25/02/2020
The Ministry of Agriculture’s annual consultation with key stakeholders to evaluate the success and challenges of the previous year and strategize for the upcoming year. The IYPH 2020 will be [...]

Celebració d l'any internacional de la Sanitat Vegetal

Barcelona, 24/02/2020 - 24/02/2020
The Institut d’Estudis Catalans (ICEA) joined the IYPH celebration with this first event:

Salon de l'Agriculture

Paris, 22/02/2020 - 01/03/2020
Salon de l'Agriculture See more here:

Balanced Agriculture

Jelgava, 20/02/2020 - 20/02/2020
  LLU Faculty of Agriculture, Latvian Agronomic Association, Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forest Sciences organized scientific-practical conference

Plant Health and Biosecurity Conference

London, 20/02/2020 - 20/02/2020
Mr Ralf Lopian, chairperson of the IYPH International Steering Committee, attended the event which was opened by a keynote speech by HRH The Prince of Wales. More:

New Zealand Launch of IYPH 2020

Wellington, 18/02/2020 - 18/02/2020
Healthy plants’ contribution to New Zealand’s wellbeing and economic sustainability has been highlighted at the launch of the International Year of Plant Health (IYPH) at the Parliament of New Zealand. [...]

Ano Internacional da Fitossanidade

Lisbon virtual, 17/02/2020 - 17/02/2020

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