Events List

Jornada Fitosanitaria en época de pandemia COVID-19

mexico city, 07/04/2020 - 07/04/2020
Virtual meeting  Organized by FAO, Comunidad Andina and OIRSA Link:  

[Further postponed] Monferrato Green Farm

Casale Monferrato, 03/04/2020 - 05/04/2020
Monferrato Green Farm

Taller Nacional de Cuarentena Vegetal

Havana , 01/04/2020 - 30/04/2020
Taller Nacional de Cuarentena Vegetal

2020 Año Internacional de la Sanidad Vegetal: ciencia y profesión para producir más con menos

Córdoba, 01/04/2020 - 01/04/2020
La obligación de la agricultura de asegurar la provisión de alimentos saludables a una población mundial en crecimiento se relaciona de forma prioritaria con la Sanidad Vegetal. No en vano [...]

IV Intellectual marathon “ECO schoolchildren”

Yaroslavl, 28/03/2020 - 28/03/2020
The intellectual marathon is held with the aim of educating children to a value-based attitude to nature, aimed at creating an ecological worldview and culture among the younger generation. In [...]

Inaugurazione della mostra “Le piante e l’uomo”

Viterbo, 28/03/2020 - 28/03/2020
Un percorso etnobotanico realizzato incollaborazione con il Museo delle Civiltàdi Roma e con gli anziani del luogo, su usie significati di 100 specie della tradizionepopolare, tra medicina, veterinaria, zootecnia,alimentazione, artigianato [...]

Open Day (Annual Agriculture Exhibition)

Charlestown, 26/03/2020 - 27/03/2020
This event is an agriculture exhibition held annually which highlights the new technologies, innovation and food security measures utilized in the agriculture sector. IYPH will be promoted at this event. See [...]

Protecting plants, we protect Latvia!

Priekuļos, 25/03/2020 - 25/03/2020
Vidzeme Technology and Design Technical School competition "Protecting plants, protecting Latvia!" For 7th - 9th grade students of Vidzeme region

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