Events List

Publication booklet Plant Health

The hague/ online, 03/06/2021 - 03/06/2021
Today we publish the booklet ‘Plant Health’. Did you know that one-third of the global food production is lost due to plant diseases? Reason enough for scientists to investigate how [...]

Plant Protection Challenges. Perspectives, approaches, actions

to Buenos Aires (Virtual), , 02/06/2021 - 04/06/2021
The webinar is organized as a celebration of the International Year of Plant Health. The webinar will host presentations from FAO, INRAe, USDA, IICA (Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture), [...]

High-Level Launch Event of the Scientific review of the impact of climate change on plant pests: a global challenge to prevent and mitigate plant pest risks in agriculture, forestry and ecosystems

Rome, Italy / virtual, 01/06/2021 - 01/06/2021
  Please register here .   The agenda is available here .   The webcast is available at   Time Presenter   14:00 – 14:05 Welcome remarks by Jingyuan Xia [...]

XV International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants

Moscow, 01/06/2021 - 05/06/2021
XV International Symposium on Virus Diseases of Ornamental Plants See more here:

Premiazione X Concorso Artistico della Fondazione Celommi

Teramo, 31/05/2021 - 31/05/2021
2.000 studenti e oltre 1.000 opere al X Concorso Artistico della Fondazione Celommi, quest’anno dedicato ad arte e Dante

IUFRO 2020

Prague, 31/05/2021 - 04/06/2021

Piantiamola 2021; Laboratorio Didattico: Apriamo una via verde

Lissone, 29/05/2021 - 29/05/2021
La storia del Bosco Urbano di Lissone: alla scoperta di fusti, fiori e foglie con la posa di una targa descrittivaLaboratorio esperienzale con la realizzazione di grandi pannelli pittorici con [...]

Building and strengthening the technical capacities of employees of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture in the field of agricultural quarantine procedures

Riyadh, 23/05/2021 - 27/05/2021
A training initiative in cooperation with King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia.

B3 Plant Biosecurity Research Forum

Wellington, 17/05/2021 - 18/05/2021
See more here:

Piantiamola 2021; Laboratorio didattico: Il giardino dei semplici

Lissone, 15/05/2021 - 15/05/2021
Uno dei  tre laboratori didattici proposti dall’Associazione Il Soffio di Artemisia nel quale i bambini potranno imparare a conoscere (e riconoscere!) le piante aromatiche giocando e sperimentando con la Natura [...]

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