Plant Production and Protection

Protecting People, Plants and Planet: FAO's examples of sustainable plant protection and alternatives to hazardous pesticides

Side event within the margins of the 19th meeting of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC)

Roma (Italy), 05/10/2023

Pesticides are widely used in order to protect crops from pests and diseases. However, their use comes with a certain risk to human health and the environment and national pesticide regulation should ensure their sustainable use.
Parties to the Convention are encouraged to share information related to potential alternatives to regulated pesticides. This could include Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as well as chemical and non-chemical strategies. In its neutral role, the Rotterdam Convention Secretariat facilitates information exchange among Parties on safer alternatives.

FAO has, over the years, promoted IPM to address overreliance and misuse of chemical pesticides, and associated risks to food safety and security, environment and human health. The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Farmer Field School (FFS) programme emerged in the late 1980’s and is a people-centered learning approach. Through field-based activities and experiments, FFS offer local people space for hands-on group learning, critical analysis skills’ enhancement and improved decision making.

This side event provides three concrete examples on sustainable plant protection.

Organizers: Rotterdam Convention Secretariat in FAO (NSPRD) and FAO Pest and Pesticide Management Team (NSPCD).




12.45-12.48Welcome by moderator, Aggrey Atuhaire, Rotterdam Convention Secretariat  (NSPRD), FAO
12.48-12.55Opening remarks, Beth Bechdol, Deputy Director-General, FAO
12.55-13.35Panel presentations:
  • Sustainable plant protection approaches and tools - Buyung Hadi, FAW Secretariat/NSPCD, FAO
  • Sustainable alternative options for invasive pest management - Kris Wyckhuys, FAW Secretariat/NSPCD, FAO
  • Sustainable plant production and protection: FAO’s FFS experience, AnneSophie Poisot, NSPCD, FAO
13.35-13.55Q&A and discussion, Moderator/all
13.55-14.00Closing remarks, Christine Fuell, Executive Secretary a.i. Rotterdam Convention, FAO


A light refreshment will be provided from 12:30 to 12.45 before the start of the event.