Plant Production and Protection

The Plant Production and Protection community holds its third virtual mid-year meeting


Rome – The Plant Production and Protection community gathered online for the 2023 mid-year meeting, with presence of 65 participants from all FAO regions. The main objective of the meeting is to present the achievements during this first semester and discussed priorities for upcoming biennium 2024/2025 and beyond.

Jingyuan Xia, Director of the Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP), welcomed all participants to this third NSP community mid-year meeting. He underlined the importance of coming together, working together and achieving together to ensure that both corporate and divisional objectives are reached fully. Director Xia highlighted also the main themes for the NSP work, such as optimization and minimization, communication and partnership, global initiatives such as One Country One Priority Product and the recent activities to upgrade farmer field schools for sustainable agrifood systems.

The meeting continued with presentation from FAO regional officers, namely Thaer Yaseen, Near East and North Africa, Ana Posas Guevara, Latin America and Caribbean, Jean Baptiste Bahama, Africa, G.C. Yubak, Asia and Pacific, and Piotr Wlodarczyk, Europe and Central Asia. The meeting was also an opportunity to launch the renewed Plant Production and Protection (NSP) website.


All participants were invited to discuss and brainstorm on the priorities for the next biennium 2024-25, optimization and minimization, and communication and partnership. The discussion provided also an occasion to better understand the best ways to keep and improving communicating across the NSP community, particularly to ensure the best technical support to projects at the country level.

Director Xia congratulated with all participants on a very timely and well-organized meeting and recalled the important priorities for the second semester and next biennium, such as the OCOP initiative, upgrading farmer field schools, communication and partnerships. He thanked all participants for their active engagement and participation, renewing his encouragement to continue working together for One Dynamic NSP community.