Plant Production and Protection

The Plant Production and Protection Division met for its fourth mid-year meeting


Rome – The Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) held its fourth mid-year meeting in FAO headquarters since the first NSP mid-year meeting held in 2020. The meeting was attended by over 50 participants in person and more than 40 online. All participants took an active role in the discussions as well as learning the latest activities from NSP colleagues.

Jingyuan Xia, NSP Director, presented keynote addresses on the overview of the major achievements in the first semester, the priority activities for the second semester and the way forward for the coming biennium 2024/2025 and beyond. He recalled the global activities and events linked to the One Country One Priority Product initiative, to farmer field schools and the improved collaboration with other divisions such as Land and Water (NSL) and Animal Health and Production (NSA). He also highlighted other major achievements in production technology, global governing activities, the normative work and the improvements in communication and advocacy, particularly with the launch of the renewed NSP website and the redecoration of the corridors with a series of NSP posters.


The NSP mid-year meeting also held presentations from all teams regarding their major achievements during the first semester of 2023, and refection from various representatives of NSP employees, including Team Leads, Assistant Leads, Professional Staff, Consultants, Youth Group, Gender Group and General Service Staff. All presenters expressed their appreciation for the work done by NSP under the leadership of Director Xia, noting an improved coordination, clear strategic direction and willingness for capacity development for all. All presenters agreed that NSP should continue to grow and collaborate more effectively and closely, particularly within the Organization and with decentralized offices.

The group discussions were organized on priorities for the next biennium 2024/2025, optimization and minimization, communication and partnership, and teamwork and synergies. NSP employees were divided into five groups randomly and then reported back during a group presentation, which highlighted shared priorities for action in all four topics. The role of communication and partnership was greatly underlined by all.

Director Xia summarized the intense but engaging day by underlining that four topics for discussions are also the four pillars on which NSP has to continue working and improving to deliver on key priorities, especially during the next biennium. He stressed the importance of the OCOP initiative, upgrading farmer field schools and reminded everyone of the upcoming FAO Global Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization, which yet another global event that NSP will deliver and follow up closely, similarly to the previous Global Conferences on Seeds and Sustainable Plant Production. Director Xia thanked all participants for their active engagement and participation, wishing everyone a fruitful second semester of 2023.