Plant Production and Protection

Townhall meeting of the Plant Production and Protection Division to endorse the divisional action plan of the Employee Satisfaction Survey


Rome, 06 March 2023 – The Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) met today to share, review and discuss the results of the FAO Employee Satisfaction Survey (E2S) together with FAO Deputy Director-General Beth Bechdol and NSP Director Jingyuan Xia. The previous E2S took place in 2019, which also marked the beginning of this good practice supporting the Organization in facing the gradual return to in-presence work. The second round of consultation is the second dot allowing the FAO management to begin observing the Organization’s trend and the first positive result was highlighted through a greater participation.

Director Xia commented positively on the staff participation, active engagement, coordination and collaboration. He recalled that the Plant Production and Protection division held its annual meeting over a month ago and noticed a continuing interest for these in-person gatherings. Mr Xia appreciated the several suggestions and questions that the staff shared and raised in relation to the possible actions to improve the working environment.

The division’s feedback focused on the outcomes of the overall Organization’s survey. Each team collected 2-3 recommendations that were consolidated into priority actions from different areas. Several staff members had the opportunity to directly voice their observations, suggestions and questions during the meeting, particularly some on the Non-Staff Human Resources, gender issues, in-depth analysis of the survey outcomes for different respondent groups and flexibility at work. 

Deputy Director-General Bechdol welcomed the open, cooperative and constructive dialogue with staff, addressing all the questions that were brought to her attention while sharing some more of her own. She was particularly struck by the outcome on social justice and stated that the Organization applies – and will continue to apply – a zero-tolerance policy towards behaviours that harm the people working for FAO.

Ms Bechdol also mentioned that the Organization financial structure has changed substantially in a short period of time, with a rapid increase in extrabudgetary contributions. The Deputy Director-General added that the survey highlighted the dedication and passion of FAO staff towards the work of the Organization, which is unprecedented in her career. She will continue to support and advocate for more integration and collaboration among the divisions of the stream on Natural Resources and Sustainable Production. 

Director Xia expressed his gratitude for the positive words and support by the Deputy Director-General office. He closed the meeting highlighting that NSP has been engaging actively, coordinating and organising excellently and provided feedback, which was well received. He underlined the importance of improving communication and outreach at the divisional level and that how to implement the three priority actions for the division will be discussed at the next management meeting.