Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Elaboration and publication of the Spanish Inventory of Traditional Knowledge related to Agricultural Biodiversity

This publication is the first volume of the Spanish Inventory of Traditional Knowledge. Its main objective is to disseminate and revalue the wealth of this cultural and material heritage associated with agricultural biodiversity in Spain. Throughout the chapters of this work, the characteristics of traditional knowledge relating to agricultural biodiversity and the species and varieties included in this inventory are described; and an estimate is made regarding their current conservation status in Spain. The methodology followed is detailed and 50 inventory sheets are presented, of which 30 refer to species and 20 to varieties. The preparation of this Inventory has been one of the steps taken by the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food to address the commitments acquired with the signing of the ITPGRFA and to implement national legislation in the area of conservation and sustainable use of plant genetic resources. Published in October 2018, this work is the result of the collaboration of a multidisciplinary team, with participants from different public institutions, mainly research centres and universities.

Institution/organization Government organization
Provision of Art. 9 addressed Art. 9.1, Art. 9.2a, Art. 9.2b
Type of measure/practice Technical
Country Spain
Region Europe
Link(s) to further information about the measure/practice
Keyword(s) Agrobiodiversity, Biodiversity registries, Local varieties, PGRFA, Traditional knowledge

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