
Training and awareness-raising activities for farmers and their associations carried out by the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources of the National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Technology (CRF-INIA)

Since its creation in 1981, the National Centre for Plant Genetic Resources (CRF), now part of the National Research Institute of Agriculture, Food and Technology (INIA), maintains ex situ collections of cultivated plants and their wild relatives and makes them available to users. In the exercise of its functions, the CRF participates in activities such as technology transfer, training for farmers and dissemination of information to the general public. The objectives of these activities include (1) to inform the agricultural sector and the general public of the availability of the PGRFA conserved in the CRF and other genebanks of the National Network of Germplasm Collections; and (2) to offer training and information regarding the characteristics of available genetic resources and most suitable forms of management for their cultivation. The CRF participates in the following types of training and awareness-raising activities: technology transfer activities aimed at the national agricultural sector, such as the Annual Conference of the Group for the Evaluation of New Varieties of Extensive Crops in Spain (GENVCE); awareness-raising activities aimed at the general public, such as participation in the Science Week organized by the Foundation for Knowledge ‘madrid’ of the Community of Madrid; various training activities in the agricultural field and media interventions.

Institution/organization Government organization, Research Centers and Academic Institution
Provision of Art. 9 addressed Art. 9.2b
Type of measure/practice Technical
Country Spain
Region Europe
Link(s) to further information about the measure/practice http://www.fao.org/3/ca8202en/ca8202en.pdf
Keyword(s) Capacity development, Genetic resources, PGRFA

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