
Material available in the Multilateral System

The Secretariat publishes on this page the information and notifications received on material available in the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing. The information has been received from Contracting Parties, the International Agriculture Research Centres of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), other International Centres and natural and legal persons within the jurisdiction of Contracting Parties. A sample notification letter of material available in the Multilateral System can be downloaded from this page in four languages: 
 لعربية | english | français | español 

Since September 2017, the notification of material available can also be made through the registration of the material in the Global Information System, during the assignation of a Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Type of holder

  • SPC Community

Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) - SPC Community

Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) - SPC Community

Updated number of accessions: 358
Date of notification: 01/06/2009

International Cocoa Genebank


Date of notification: 01/06/2009
  • Portugal

Instituto Nacional dos Recursos Biológicos (INRB) de Portugal

The Instituto Nacional dos Recursos Biológicos (INRB) on behalf of Portugal has notified the Secretary that 813 accessions of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex 1 of the Treaty are included in the Multilateral System. Through the website eurisco.ecpgr.org detailed data on the composition of the collections is readily available.

Updated number of accessions: 813
Date of notification: 25/05/2009
Website: EURISCO
  • Switzerland

Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) of the Switzerland

The Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) of the Switzerland has notified the Secretary that the following plant genetic resources for food and agriculture listed in Annex I as well as non-Annex I crops and maintained in Switzerland have been included in the Multilateral System: -The collections held by the National Genebank of Switzerland, Agroscope Changins Wãdenswil Research Station, Nyon. -The accessions held by different private and public organisations Through the website www.bdn.ch and precisely http://www.bdn.ch/lists/list_content?id=383 detailed data on the composition of the collection and the holders are readily available.

Updated number of accessions: 25507
Date of notification: 25/05/2009
  • Brazil

Cenargen - Embrapa

The Brazilian Agriculture Research Corporation (Embrapa)- Brazil has notified the Secretary of the inclussion in the Multilateral system of the Treaty of 2,377 accessions of five different collections mantained by Embrapa, as from 7 May 2009. Passport data on the accessions and user procedures to order samples will be soon available from a website.

Updated number of accessions: 2377
Date of notification: 07/05/2009
Website: Embrapa
  • France

Association Française des Semences de céréales à paille et autres espèces Autogames (AFSA), and the National Institute for Agricultural Research of France (INRA)

The "Association Française des Semences de céréales à paille et autres espèces Autogames" (AFSA), and the National Institute for Agricultural Research of France (INRA) have informed the Secretary of French collections of bread wheat with a total number of 1800 accessions which are included in the Multilateral System of the Treaty.

Updated number of accessions: 1784
Date of notification: 05/05/2009
  • France

Association pour l'Etude et l'Amélioration du Maïs (Pro-Maïs), and the National Institute for Agricultural Research of France (INRA)

The "Association pour l'Etude et l'Amélioration du Maïs", and the National Institute for Agricultural Research of France (INRA) have informed the Secretary of collections of Maize with a total number of 500 accessions which are included in the Multilateral System of the Treaty. The information on the management of these genetic resources can be found at:http://www1.montpellier.inra.fr/zea_french_network

Updated number of accessions: 533
Date of notification: 24/03/2009
  • Sweden

Nordic Genetic Resource Centre

The publicly available collections held by the Nordic Genetic Resource Centre of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Updated number of accessions: 24713
Date of notification: 18/12/2008
Website: Nordgen
  • Canada

Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre (PARC)

At the Third Session of the Governing Body, Canada reported that all canadian germplasm placed into the multilateral system was available for distribution. Details and relevant information is available through an internet accessible database at: http://pgrc3.agr.gc.ca.

Updated number of accessions: 100500
Date of notification: 17/09/2008
  • Namibia

National Botanic Research Institute of Namibia

The National Botanic Research Institute of Namibia has notified 1,722 accessions, including a collection of 1,441 accessions of pearl millet, which are included in the System.

Updated number of accessions: 1441
Date of notification: 28/08/2008
  • Zambia

Agricultural Research Institute of Zambia

The Agricultural Research Institute of Zambia has informed the Secretary of twelve collections with a total number of 4,340 accessions which are included in the Treaty System.

Updated number of accessions: 4340
Date of notification: 05/08/2008
  • Germany

Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection

The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of Germany has notified the Secretary of the Treaty that more than 100,000 accessions that are held in the collections of the Genebank of the Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (IPK), and the Fragaria and Malus collections held by the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants have been included in the Multilateral System. The German material is fully described by the German National Inventory for Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRDEU). website: pgrdeu.genres.de/?lang=en

Updated number of accessions: 108675
Date of notification: 25/07/2008
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