Международный договор о генетических ресурсах растений для производства продовольствия и ведения сельского хозяйства

Национальные координаторы

Подробнее о членстве и роли национальных координаторов

Внизу страницы находится ссылка для экспорта списка координаторов. Об изменении национального координатора или его контактных данных можно уведомить по адресу электронной почты [email protected].

Mr Spyridon FLEVARIS
Policy Officer - European Commission - Health and Food Safety Directorate-General (SANTE)
Directorate Crisis management in food, animals and plants - Plant Health Unit
B-1049 Brussels - Belgium
European Union - Europe
Phone Number: +32 2 2997787
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 11/10/2021
Mr Andrew TUKANA
Permanent Secretary for Agriculture & Waterways
Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways
FNPF Building
Fiji - South West Pacific
Phone Number: +679 3384233
Mobile Number: +679 9980716
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 18/07/2023
Ms Johanna NYKYRI
Senior Specialist, D.Sc. (Agric. and forestry)
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Finland - Europe
Phone Number: +358 (0) 295162452
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 22/08/2023
Mr Antoine ROULET
Adjoint au chef de bureau - Bureau du changement climatique et de la biodiversité
Direction générale de la performance économique et environnementale des entreprises Ministère de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation
3, rue Barbet de Jouy
France - Europe
Phone Number: +33 (0)149555907
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 10/12/2020
Mr Raoul NDONG
Directeur de l'agriculture
Direction Générale de l'Agriculture, l'Elevage et du Développement Rural
BP 43 Libreville
Gabon - Africa
Phone Number: +241 760055
Fax Number: +241 772674
Mobile Number: +241 06231970
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 30/09/2007
Senior Officer Plant Genetic Resources
Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) Div 331 - Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV)
Deichmanns Aue 29
D-53179 Bonn
Germany - Europe
Phone Number: +49 (0)228 / 6845 - 3438
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 27/01/2023
Mr Daniel Ashie KOTEY
Acting Director
Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute (CSIR)
P.O. Box 7
Bunso-Eastern Region
Ghana - Africa
Phone Number: +233 (0)200419191
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 19/09/2022
Mr Papatheodorou ATHANASIOS
Ministry of Rural Development & Food
207 Patision Avenue, P.O. 112 53
Greece - Europe
Phone Number: +30 2102128171
Fax Number: +30 2108663496
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 18/01/2010
Agronomist of the Directorate
Ministry of Rural Development & Food
207 Patision Avenue, P.O. 112 53
Greece - Europe
Phone Number: +30 2102128179
Fax Number: +30 2108663496
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 18/01/2010
Mr Mauricio Hernández DE LA PARRA
Departamento de Registro de Campos Semilleristas - DRCS - Punto Focal Nacional TIRFAA
Dirección de Fitozoogenética y Recursos Nativos -DFRN- Viceministerio de Sanidad Agropecuaria y Regulaciones -VISAR- Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Alimentación - MAGA
7ma Av. 12-90 zona 13, Edificio Anexo Monja Blanca
Ciudad de Guatemala
Guatemala - Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone Number: +502 24137469
Mobile Number: +502 59924543
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 29/07/2019
Mr Mahendra PERSAUD
Plant Breeder/Chief Scientist
Guyana Rice Development Board
Rice Research Station Burma
Guyana - Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone Number: +592 2321301
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 26/10/2016
Ms Elizabeth SANTACREO
Jefe de Unidad de Frutales
Direccion Oficina Ave La Fao, Blvd Miraflores
Honduras - Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone Number: +504 22356112
Fax Number: +504 2320899
Mobile Number: +504 98836782
Email Address: [email protected]
Date of communication: 21/03/2013

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