Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Second Technical Consultation on Information Technology Support for the Implementation of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing

02/12/2008 to 03/12/2008

Italy ()

Documentos de trabajo

Progress Report On The Offline And Online Information Technology Modules

Documentos informativos

» IT/GB-3/TCIT-2/08/Inf.1
Implementation Of The Multilateral System Of The International Treaty On Plant Genetic Resources For Food And Agriculture – A German Case Study
» IT/GB-3/TCIT-2/08/Inf.2
Information management in support of the global system for the


Locations of the 23 Research Institutes belonging the Ministry of Agriculture
The Multilateral System
Inclusion of Material in the Multilateral System: The German and European Information Management System on PGRFA
Implementation of the Multilateral System by IRRI
Global Information on Germplasm Accessions - GIGA
How it works?
IT Work on SMTA Operations A General Overview
IT Modules on SMTA Operations
Work Flow for INGER Nurseries
Online Ordering of Material from the CGN_PGR
SMTA it Brazil
Implementing MLS and the Use of SMTA in Malaysia: The Way Forward


» IT/GB-3/TCIT-2/08/Report
Final Report


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