Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura

Sixth meeting of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing (OWG-EFMLS-6)

13/03/2017 to 17/03/2017

Italy (Rome)

At its Sixth Session, the Governing Body decided to reconvene the Working Group through Resolution 1/2015, Measures to Enhance the Functioning of the Multilateral System of Access and Benefit-sharing.

Documentos de trabajo

» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/1
Proyecto de Programa Provisional
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/2
Proyecto de Programa Provisional Anotado y Calendario Indicativo Provisional
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/3.1
Tercer Proyecto de Acuerdo Normalizado de Transferencia de Material Revisado
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/3.2
Tercer Proyecto de Acuerdo Normalizado de Transferencia de Material Revisado: Metodología utilizada en su preparación
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/4
Procedimientos de Aplicación para el Sistema de Suscripción
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/5
Mecanismo de Puesta en Marcha
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/6
Ampliación de las disposiciones del Tratado Internacional referentes al Acceso y la Distribución de Beneficios
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/7
Mejora del funcionamiento del Sistema Multilateral: nota de los Copresidentes sobre las Conclusiones de los Grupos de Amigos de los Copresidentes y el Grupo Permanente de Expertos en Asuntos Jurídicos

Documentos informativos

» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.1
List of Documents
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.2
Note for Participants
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.3
Informe del Grupo Permanente de Expertos en Asuntos Jurídicos: resultados de la Primera Reunión
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.3 Add.1
Report of the Standing Group of Legal Experts: outcomes of the Second Meeting
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.4
Second Report from the Friends of the Co-Chairs Group on Access Mechanisms and Payment Rates
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.5
Report from the Friends of the Co-Chairs Group on Scope of the Multilateral System
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.6
Second Report from the Friends of the Co-Chairs Group on a Termination Clause
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.7
Submissions from Contracting Parties and Stakeholders on matters to be discussed in the Sixth Meeting of the Working Group
» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Inf.8
Consideration of issues regarding Genetic Information associated with material accessed from the Multilateral System: note by the Co-Chairs


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» IT/OWG-EFMLS-6/17/Report


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Invitaciones y Notificaciones

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