Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Fourth meeting of the Compliance Committee (CC-4)

03/02/2021 to 04/02/2021

Italy ()

The meeting of the Compliance Committee is organized in accordance with Section III.5 and Section V of the Compliance Procedures and Rule VI of the Rules of Procedure of the Compliance Committee.

In consultation with the Chair and the Vice-Chair, the fourth meeting of the Compliance Committee is being held virtually through electronic means, on 3 and 4 February 2021, from 12:00 to 15:00 (CET) on each day.

Documents de travail

» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/2.2/1
Provisional Agenda
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/2.2/2
Annotated Provisional Agenda and Timetable
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/3
Review of the outcomes of the Eighth Session of the Governing Body of relevance to Compliance
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/4
Synthesis of Reports received from Contracting Parties on measures taken to implement the provisions of the International Treaty
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/4/2
Global Indicators relevant to the implementation of the International Treaty
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/5
Reviews under the mandate of the Compliance Committee
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/6
Future work of the Committee

Documents d'information

» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/2/Inf.1
List of documents
» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/6/Inf.1
Draft Capacity Development Strategy for the Implementation of the International Treaty

Other Documents

Rapports nationaux - Application
| French
» Resolution 9/2013 Rev.1
Procédures et mécanismes opérationnels visant à promouvoir l'Application du traité et à résoudre les problèmes de non-application
» Résolution 2/2011
Procédures et mécanismes opérationnels visant à promouvoir l’Application et à résoudre les problèmes de non-application
» Résolution 7/2019
Application du Traité


» IT/GB-9/CC-4/21/Record
Record of the Meeting


Aucun résultat trouvé.

Invitations et notifications

Aucun résultat trouvé.
