Traité international sur les ressources phytogénétiques pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture

Consultation on the Global Information System on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture

07/01/2015 to 08/01/2015

United States of America ()

The Consultation was established by the Governing Body at its Firth Session by Resolution 10/2013 and it took place in San Diego, California, USA, on 7 and 8 January 2015. It was organized back-to-back with the XXIII International Plant and Animal Genome Conference and it was followed on 9 January by a series of meetings and presentations under the umbrella of the DivSeek Initiative. The Consultation was held at the Hotel Hilton San Diego Gaslamp Quarter, starting at 9:00 am. on Wednesday, 7 January 2015.

Documents de travail

» IT/COGIS -1/15/1
Draft Provisional Agenda
» IT/COGIS-1/15/2
Annotated Provisional Agenda and Timetable
» IT/COGIS-1/15/3
Technical Options to Facilitate the Establishment of Data Links in the Field of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Permanent Unique Identifiers
» IT/COGIS-1/15/4
Improving Interoperability of PGRFA Data within the Global Information System
» IT/COGIS-1/15/5
The Vision Paper for the Global Information System on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
» IT/COGIS-1/15/6
Institutional and Policy Designs for the Global Information System

Documents d'information

» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.1
Analysis of the landscape and genomics surveys in the context of the Global Information System
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.2
Note for Participants
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.3
EASY-SMTA and the Generation of Data on the Global Flow of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.4
Compilation of Submissions Received from Contracting Parties, Non-Contrating Parties and International Relevant Organizations
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.4.a1
Inputs from the Australian Government on the Global Information System
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.4.a2
Inputs from the Government of Bolivia
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.4.a3
Input Paper from Bioversity International, CIAT, CIP and GBIF: Global Information System for In situ Conservation and On-farm Management of PGRFA
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.4.a4
Progress in the Implementation of the Pilot Phase of the Access and Benefit-sharing Clearing-house Mechanism of the Convention
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.4.a5
Two contributions to an integrated, global, accession-level information system for ex situ conservation
» IT/COGIS-1/15/Inf.5
List of documents

Other Documents

» Background Study 5
Plant Genetic Resources and Genomics: mainstreaming agricultural research through genomics


» IT/COGIS-1/15/Report
Report of the First meeting of the Expert Consultation on the Global Information System on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


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