International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture


Rome, Italy, 15 December 2017 – The Call for Proposals under the fourth cycle of projects to be funded through the Benefit-sharing Fund of the FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture is now...
Key decisions taken by 144 countries Kigali, Rwanda, 3 November 2017 – It has been an exciting week at the Kigali Convention Center, with hundreds of delegates holding intense discussions late into the night in order to...
International Treaty Multilateral System of Access & Benefit-sharing grows to 2 million Kigali, Rwanda, 2 November 2017 – The United States announced today that they will be adding 500,000 samples of 15,000 varieties of plant genetic material...
Fourth Call for Benefit-sharing Fund Projects Kigali, Rwanda, 3 November 2017 – For the fourth time since 2009, millions of dollars will be invested in developing country projects to help safeguard agricultural biodiversity for future food security.  ...
French Government Reiterates Support for FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture KIGALI, Rwanda, 2 November 2017 –

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